Khmer Elderly Day Care Project
Khmer Elderly Day Care Project started in 2006, and has grown from having just one group of 10 elderly participants aged over 65 years old to two groups with a total of over 90 elderly participants in 2020. The first group meets weekly on Mondays and has 36 participants while the second group meets weekly on Wednesdays and has 53 participants.
The aim of the Khmer Elderly Day Care Program is to provide opportunities for Cambodian seniors to socialise, converse in Khmer, make new friends, learn about services that can be beneficial to them, and increase their awareness or knowledge of health issues that affect senior people.
Before COVID 19, we met regularly every Monday in Bonnyrigg, and every Wednesday in Cabramatta from 9am to 1pm. We have two staff (Hourng Kov & Ny Seng) who run the weekly program, and we also have two extra helpers (Sok Chin & Sok Im) and two volunteers, SivTieng and Ly Heang.
This project is funded through a brokerage model by Australian Unity Home Care Service of NSW.
For more information, please contact our project workers - Y Houng Kov or Ny Seng on 0287862581
Settlement Engagement and Transition Support Program (SETS).
The Department of Home Affairs has appointed Settlement Service International (SSI) as the lead service provider to administer funding for settlement engagement and transition support program (SETS).
The purpose of this arrangement is to deliver services to assist eligible clients to become self-reliant and participate equitably in Australian society, with a focus on fostering social participation, economic well-being, independence, personal well-being and community connectedness.
SSI has chosen Cambodian Australian Welfare Council of NSW (CAWC) to provide settlement and transition support to newly arrived Cambodian people who have settled in NSW within the last 5 years.
How can this project support newly arrived people from Cambodia?
During their early stage of settlement in Australia, Cambodian migrants, like migrants from other countries, always encounter a range of challenges, albeit at different levels. So the project workers can:
Have one-on-one meetings with clients to identify their settlement needs and support them to meet those needs
Link or refer clients to services that can help with their needs
Organise information sessions to increase clients’ awareness or knowledge of services in their local area
This project is run by two part-time workers. Please contact any of them below to discuss how they can assist you or some you know.
Vilen Hong
Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Worker
Tel: 02 8786 2581
Email: vilen.sets@cambodianwelfare.org.au
Chhun Y (Cherry) ICH
Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Worker
Tel: 02 8786 2581
Email: cherry.sets@cambodianwelfare.org.au
Please note that the Department of Home Affairs requires us to focus our assistance mainly on migrants who have been in Australia for less than 5 years.
Multicultural Access and Referral Services (MARS)
Cambodian Australian Welfare Council of NSW partners with the Multicultural Network (formerly the Bankstown Area Multicultural Network) to provide culturally appropriate advice, information and support to link frail aged and their carers from the Cambodian community.
For more information call us on 8786 2581.
Cambodian Early Childhood Development & Parenting Support Project
The project has been providing educational activities for children aged 0-5 years to help them have a good start in life and get ready for their school year.
The activities include motor skills, drawing, group story time, crafting, singing, and dancing.
We organize Parenting Skills Workshop for parents once every school term to improve their parenting skills so they have the skills and knowledge to effectively nurture their children.
The program has been running for the last 4 years thanks to funding from various local clubs including Cabra-Vale Diggers Club.
Cambodian Children Support Program
The project has been running for over 5 years now through NSW ClubGrants. It provides free homework help, tutoring, and school holiday activities for Cambodian children aged 8-12 years living in Fairfield LGA.
The project aims to help to increase self-confidence and self-esteem, ease the transition from primary school to high school, and improve literacy and numeracy.
The program has been operating every Saturday during school term from 10 am to 2 pm for year 3 to year 6 students via Zoom platform. PROUDLY SPONSORED BY MARCONI CLUB